Goodness Tone Up Eye Cream


Goodness Tone Up Eye Cream

Looking a little jaded? We all know the delicate eye area needs a little extra care and attention, it’s thinner, more fragile, and quicker to show age than the rest of your face. We’ve taken the best natural plant extracts, gentle yet powerful, and combined them with the richness of Avocado and Hyaluronic Acid to glide easily under the eye. 

Eye bright (Euphrasia officinalis)  de-puffs and assists with under eye circles. To be a little extra, we’ve pumped up the formulation with Caffeine, and Ceramides. 

Infused with Plant Squalane Oil, this formulation offers rich sources of Vitamins A, C and E, to nourish and protect the under eye area.

  • Caffeine: Stimulates circulation, smooths and diminishes puffiness
  • Eye Bright: De-puffs and assists with under eye circles
  • Ceramides: Improve your skin’s barrier function, keeping moisture in, and environmental stressors out.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: Can hold up to 1000x its’ own weight in moisture, keeping cells plump and full, helping to give a smooth appearance.  Naturally produced by the body, the production of this acid decreases as we age.

Apply after cleansing. Use your ring finger and gently pat the product gently under the eye, and up to the brow.