Boody Goodnight Raglan Sleep Top


Boody Goodnight Raglan Sleep Top

Sleep easy in our breathable, light to wear and soft to touch Goodnight Raglan Sleep Top. Our comfortable Goodnight Raglan Sleep Top is a relaxed, draped and easy fit. Mindfully made, with a softly curved neckline, raglan long sleeves and a curved high-to-low hem. No zippers, buttons, ties or other irritants - just ultra-soft fabric crafted in a loose, relaxed fit for bed.

Mindfully made and crafted in breathable organically grown bamboo, these women’s pyjamas are soft, simple and sustainable. Organically grown bamboo is highly breathable and comfy, making it perfect for garments that sit close to the skin. This bamboo sleepwear style is naturally eco-friendly, moisture-wicking and hypoallergenic.

  • Raglan long sleeves
  • Soft curved neckline
  • Curved high-to-low hem
  • Relaxed and breathable fit and feel

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